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Who We Are

Chronicle Advisers is a New York State Public Benefit Corporation that helps businesses to envision and optimize sustainability strategy in their organizations in service of compliance, value enhancement, and for-purpose objectives.

Our mission is to educate and advise businesses on environmental, social, and governance issues to minimize negative impact on the environment, drive sustainable economic development, and support the well-being of their employees, clients, and community. We strive to achieve this by continuously innovating and implementing responsible practices throughout our operations, and inspiring others to do the same.

What We Do

  • Discovery of business’ ESG interests and priorities
  • PEST analysis (Political, Economic, Social, Technological) of business’ ESG landscape
  • Executive and Board ESG primers and strategic planning
  • Multiparty facilitation, negotiations, and third-party vendor management  
  • Chronicle is committed to donating 10% of service hours to nonprofit pro bono projects with a focus on supporting traditionally underrepresented populations.

Specific Offerings

Targeting businesses grappling with the complexity of the ESG space, but not yet in a position to commit to a senior management role in the area.

A review of a business’ strengths and weaknesses in its approach to ESG from process, resourcing, technical, and cultural perspectives.

⦁ Is the organization ‘doing the bare minimum’ or a has it adopted a purpose-driven approach?
⦁ Which ESG framework(s) is it using, are these fit-for purpose, and what are the pros and cons of each?
⦁ What is the status of management and Board buy-in, and who will be the ESG champions?

Assisting clients in understanding and optimizing the public policy environment around their sustainability activities, including grants and incentives.

Referral service supporting companies which are unfamiliar with the ESG space, but seeking support on specific areas. Connects these businesses with pre-qualified third parties.

Designing a tailored approach to the ESG landscape

⦁ What specific indicators within each category should the company be monitoring from compliance, voluntary, and materiality perspectives?
⦁ Working with the company to understand the baseline for each of these indicators, including target-setting.
⦁ How is a more sophisticated approach to ESG best integrated with existing policies and procedures (corporate governance, strategy and operational, risk management)?
⦁ Focus on accountability and ownership around ESG issues.

⦁ How should the company’s ESG activities and progress be best positioned and communicated to internal and external stakeholders?
⦁ Optimizing ESG outcomes within the business to educate employees about company activities and transparency around expected individual and team contributions, with associated training and incentives.

⦁ Identifying data and reporting requirements relative to appropriate assessment and compliance frameworks.
⦁ Enterprise-level systems integration strategy including policy, technical, and operational systems supporting ESG targets.

For more information on our public benefit activities, download the Chronicle 2024 Impact Report.